If all content (subject matter) are alike, how can we expect innovation?
Problems with alike content:
1) Homogenization of skills
When a finished product reaches the market, the product development cycle goes through the touch of many divergent skilled peoples. A product can have many components which require different skill sets of different people.
For example, Website Development:
When you begin to develop a website, you start with designing a prototype of how it will look, which requires the expertise of graphic designers, you need the skill of programmer to code for the website, you need to be a webmaster to host your website.
If you look into the depth, there is much more complexity to it. Each website has its own requirements. A prototype can be designed by using different software, such as Inkscape, illustrator and many others. Each software requires a different kind of learning and experience. Similarly, from programmer side, which language you will be using, which framework, based upon your website requirements such as speed of development, scalability. While hosting it, which type of server you use. These all require different kinds of skill sets.
The example is applicable to all types of problem-solving. Most of our real-world community/country or global problems are too complex to be solved, that requires divergent skill sets.
2) Lack of divergent thinking
You don't know what you don't know. In order to fix a problem, not only we have to bring different pieces together, but also there are different ways to solve the same problem. If you have not read or seen about the alternate approach, you probably don't know how it can be solved in an alternative way.
Why all our books look alike?

Its because of our examination system of boards and entrances, and giving authors only a single reference book such as NCERT to follow and write content based upon it. Bad examination leads to bad content and even vice versa (bad content leads to bad examination). Both pulling tightly to each other and constraining each other, and the author gets no freedom to bring the new type of content or subject matter. Even stringent syllabus puts a limit on the author. You can't put anything other than the syllabus, or you can't even modify the sequence of content, it must be based on the syllabus sequence.
For more related details:
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Required Learning Standards of Books
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