How to guide for preparing HOTs question?

Step 2: Solving must require information that is difficult to remember or recall from memory such as shortcut formulas, unfamiliar terminology.
Step 3: Make the calculation extremely hard and don't give them a calculator.
Step 4: Must use concepts that are not taught in class or without supplying good content, or taught with bad pedagogy without using retrieval and spacing strategies that help the concepts to stick in the memory, questions must be completely different from classroom practice questions. And give the question that requires knowledge of whole without practicing its components.
As most students will not be able to solve it, it perfectly qualifies as HOTs question.
An example HOTs question:
Shuffle A-Z sequence, create a new sequence, give a whole day to remember it, and ask them to write in a high stake exam. Also again ask all the sequence you have remembered in a week or weeks, in the weekend, fortnight, monthly, bimonthly, trimonthly, half-yearly and yearly exams.
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