Why scientists will join the democracy app?

Details of Fair democracy:


Why will experts join the democracy network in the beginning? What are the Incentives??

1) Professional Reputation
Provide problems documentation of departments with evidence
Provide solutions documentation of the departments with evidence
Provide criticisms and solutions to the policies of departments
Market the solutions in social media
Even though its a replacement of present democracy, for now, it will be used to keep the present govt accountable if they are doing something wrong.
Documentation will go through peer review, all the participants of the department can review it, with scientific professionalism. It's not like social media, you have to use every sound logic with providing references to your arguments.
2) Crowdfunding
Department scientists and voters can crowdfund their solutions and gain incentives for solving problems through volunteering and working on it. Escrow services to hold scientists accountable.

Escrow service for democracy using blockchain:

35% objection rule:
Representatives will crowdfund their solution with a given timeline to complete. A single project can also be split into smaller numbers of timelines.
The total amount of fund raised = x
Objection Unit = x/100

If a person funds "m" amount of money, then they can appeal using m/(x/100) objection units.

If objection units appealed becomes 35, then any doners can ask to refund their amount and the amount will be refunded.

An example,
If the total amount of fundraised is is 500, then the objection unit becomes 500/100 = 5.
If a person funds 80 than they have 80/5 = 16 objection units.
If doners have objected using 35 objection units that have a value of 35*5 = 175 which is 35 percent of 500, then any doner can take back their money.

It will hold the representative accountable to work. If doners are not satisfied with the work, they can appeal using their objection unit and get back the money if it reaches the threshold.

What if work is done, but people lacking honesty still appeal using their objection units to get back the money.
Most people are honest, as they are funding for the purpose, then it's unlikely to use objection units. Even if it reaches the objection unit threshold, the money will not get transferred to their account automatically, but only if a donor request for it, and honest doner will not request if work is done and representatives will always get the money from honest doners.
If still there is more fraud, the threshold amount can be raised from 35 to 40%, etc.


  1. […] https://iambrainstorming.wordpress.com/2019/12/10/why-scientists-will-join-the-democracy-app/ […]


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