In 10+2 level in India, we have biotechnology, but no bioinformatics?

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I was looking at the syllabus of CBSE, and its very up to date, but some features are still missing.

Biological data has become humongous, whether data for genomics or proteomics etc. For handling such big data, we need bioinformatics.

When a biotechnologist produces some data, whether from NGS etc method, who is going to analyse it.

In the syllabus of Bioinformatics that is taught in colleges after 10+2, there is no python, no statistical programming such as R etc.  Also no analysis of data produced from latest technology such as RNA-seq data, ChiP-seq etc.

Please also look at the Edx courses of Genome Analysis and many other courses that require informatics in biological field.

e.g.Case study: Variant Discovery and Genotyping

given by HarvardX.  Also look at other case studies.

What you people have to say about it?


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